Emme Rose is my name and follow-through is my game! I’ve wanted to be an artist since age 3 when after a preschool discussion I promptly marched home and announced my aspirations to my parents. Every report card I got sent home contained notes begging my parents to talk to me about doodling on my work (to no avail.) When I was 9, I decided to go to OCADu. When I was 18 I did! I completed my degree in illustration with a minor in communication design focusing on graphic design. 

I was the selected poster artist for Florence and the Machine's 2015 US tour, and completed my illustration degree in 2017. Work from my final thesis was academically published in the third edition of Colour and Two-Dimensional Design by Glenn McArthur later that year.

To contact me please send me an email at emme.rose.brettle@gmail.com ! I’d love to hear from you! 

Thanks for visiting!

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